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The Imagine Store

Whole Body Vibration

Is whole-body vibration a good way to lose weight and improve fitness?

Answer From Edward R. Laskowski, M.D.

Whole-body vibration can offer some fitness and health benefits, but it’s not clear if it’s as good for you as regular exerciseing yourself.

I have to admit, I was skeptical

about the AXV Vibration Plate. But my patients couldn’t stop raving about it, so I decided to give it a try—and wow, I’m impressed! After just 10 minutes, the tightness in my back muscles disappeared, and I felt so much more relaxed. On top of that, I noticed improved blood flow right away.

Now, I see why my patients love it—it’s become one of my favorite tools to pair with invisaRED weight loss sessions. Even the Mayo Clinic highlights its many benefits, like improved muscle strength, reduced back pain, better balance, support for weight loss, and even reduced bone loss. While it’s not a substitute for aerobic exercise, it’s a fantastic complement to physical activity and a healthy diet. It’s truly a game-changer for anyone looking to boost their wellness!